Ron Stafford
July 16, 2009
The BMDWCAÕs new well is progressing. The drillers reached 600 ft. depth
yesterday and the well was geophysical logged. This logging process identifies the diameter of the well
down to the 600 ft. depth as well as the various strata throughout the entire
well. The Hydrologists from
Bio-West and Daniel B. Stephens Co. will analyze this data and determine the
well casing configuration. This
may result in screens placed at different depths to maximize water
production. They anticipate that
100 ft. of screening will be used.
The screen is the same pipe as the casing but has numerous small slits
that are laser cut. Once the
casing is complete, they will gravel pack around the entire screen with small
silica gravel. At the top of the gravel
pack they will seal with bentonite which will absorb water and expand to seal
the gravel. Then concrete will
cover the bentonite to seal this layer.
They have determined that the static water level is about 200 ft. which
is about the same as the existing well in this location. The well will be cased either today or
tomorrow and then will be developed by pumping water out for an undetermined
length of time. This will probably
be 1-2 days. Then the drilling
crew will remove all of their equipment and a pumping crew will move in to
perform several tests including well capacity, chemistry, and potential natural
contaminates such as uranium and arsenic.
Once the data is complete and analyzed, the New Mexico State Engineers
will review this material and will give us directions to proceed with hooking
up the well to our system.