
August 30th

Hello Brazos Neighbors. As we go into the much anticipated Labor Day weekend we want to ask all of you to please use EXTREME water conservation measures. As most of you are aware our system has been trying to catch up with demand for the last few weeks. Unfortunately, we have been plagued with power outages, increased demand and pump issues. The Board is working closely with the rural water association to get supplemental water up to the Brazos. Once that arrives, please make use of the source. It is there for ALL BMDWCA residents, and we encourage you to take what you need. 

August 19th


The good news is that on Thursday 8/17, the pump in well house three was successfully replaced and has been up and running since about 12:30 pm that afternoon. Everything appears to be functioning as intended and we will continue to monitor things over the next few days, and make any adjustments necessary.

The reality of the situation is this: lots of water got used and not replaced due to the failing pump. It was also discovered by doing some pretty simple math, that even with the failing pump, we should have been in far better shape than we were. So, we decided to check every single meter on our system for leaks. This is something that gets done regularly by board members, but not on an “every meter” scale. Five separate leaks were detected on the consumer side, ranging from the relatively small .5 GPM variety up to 4+ GPM! If we average this out to  2.5 GPM being lost to leaks, that is a whopping 3600 gallons every 24 hours. It is amazing that the pump did as well as it did. 

Bottom line is this folks. We as a community have to do better. Our system is fragile and every drop of water is precious. We as a board are trying to identify the most pressing issues/failures in our system, and then prioritize and address those issues, in a proactive, not reactive fashion. We cannot do this without our members redoubling their efforts to not only conserve at every turn, but to educate yourselves and your guests on the proper operation and maintenance of your portion of the water system.

 As noted above, one leak is bad, but multiple leaks are catastrophic for us. So, we implore you to continue to be diligent in reporting potential problems, correcting the problems that are your responsibility, and that you would be extremely conscientious about water conservation. 

Thank you for helping us preserve every drop of water we can


August 15th


Due to circumstances beyond our control, the replacement of the pump originally scheduled for Wednesday, August 16th will now take place on Thursday, August 17th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Thank you,
Your Water Board 

August 15, 2023

Scheduled System Outage

Hello Neighbors!

As mentioned in our email on August 11th, when an issue was discovered with one of the pumps in our system on August 6th, a temporary fix was put in place and a new pump was ordered.  The new pump has arrived and to ensure we do not have an unexpected outage, we will be replacing the pump on Wednesday, August 16th.  Replacement will begin first thing in the morning and will last until approximately 3pm.  During this time, the water in the system will be turned off, so please plan accordingly and advise any guests of the outage.

We ask that you all continue to be observant and report all suspected leaks or other system problems asap. This can be done quickly by sending a note to info@upperbrazoswater.org.  We would also ask that you continue to use conservation measures at all times and if you have guests using your property who may be unfamiliar with our system, please educate them prior to their stay. This may be especially important in Short Term Rental situations. 

Thank you!
Your Water Board

July 7th, 2023

Water Conservation Advisory:

The BMDWCA board is asking all residents and guests of the Brazos to please use extreme water conservation measures. Due to water storage issues, higher than normal occupancy, and a very dry summer, our water table is very low. We are OK for now but want everyone to be aware of the current situation. Please call with any questions concerns or issues. 

Thank You,

Amanda Urioste.

July 5th, 2023

Water Update:

BMDWCA members please be advised. The water storage tank has a broken altitude valve and is leaking. The board and water operator are working diligently to remediate the issue and minimize any issues this may cause. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Amanda Urioste 

June 22nd, 2023

Work in the Brazos:

Hi all BMDWCA members. Just want to let all residents know that new fiber optic lines are being installed in the Brazos. All work is being done Monday-Thursday from 7am to 6pm. This work is very exciting so please be aware of crews, cones and work being done over the next few weeks. If you have any issues please feel free to reach out to any of the board members. Thank you all for continued support and understanding. 


May 31st, 2023

Water has been restored! The leak has been fixed and water has been restored to all residents. If you have any issues please reach out to the board. 

May 30, 2023 (Updated)

Water Leak Detected

7:00 pm – The source of the leak on Rainbow Lane has been identified and work has begun to make the necessary repairs.  At this time there are residents in the area without water and due to the nature of the repair needed, water must remain off until repairs can be made.  Crews will return in the morning to continue repairs and we hope to have water restored as quickly as possible.

2:30 pm – We have been informed there has been a water leak detected on the main line on Rainbow Lane.  The situation is being assessed and may require the water to be turned off to some residents to complete the repair.  We will keep you updated as more information becomes available.  In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Chris Dennison or myself.  Thank you for your patience as we address this situation. 

Amanda Urioste – President

May 26, 2023

The BMDWCA board would like to welcome all the summer residents coming back to the Brazos! Just a few quick updates. We currently have a full water storage tank! While this is GREAT news it only takes a few small leaks to deplete that amount of water. Please continue to use water conservation and PLEASE remember to utilize your stop/waste valve to shut off your water when you leave. Meters and meter cans should only be accessed by the board’s licensed water operator. Please DO NOT use your meter as your method of turning on and off your water. If you have any questions or would like assistance with your meter or leak identification please contact Chris Dennsion. The BMDWCA board would have loved to welcome all members back with our annual meeting in person this weekend, however we are looking to hold our annual meeting the weekend of Labor Day. Please visit the next meeting tab for all future meetings and agendas!


April 19, 2023

The Water Situation: GREAT NEWS! As of last week our storage tank was FULL! As we prepare for the busy spring and summer months please help us keep it that way. We know may residents will be heading up for the weekend or possibly to spend the summer in the Brazos. As you begin to un winterize your cabin please check for any leaks that may have occurred over the winter. If you suspect any leaks or would just like a double check please contact the board with your cabin address and name and we will get a time scheduled to check your meter. We would also like to let all residents know that there has been a significant run off as the snow melts we are seeing several roads and culverts being over run with water so please be careful and be prepared. 

Thank you,

Amanda Urioste – President


March 16, 2023

The Water Situation:  There is currently NO water storage in our tank. At this time we DO NOT have any reported outages. There is still a great amount of snow on the ground and even more falling. This situation makes leak detection and water restoration efforts extremely difficult and dangerous.  Please use extreme water conservation. If you are coming up for the weekend, please come prepared. If you experience any outage please feel free to reach out to me.

A regular BMDWCA Board Meeting has been scheduled for Sunday April 2nd at 9:00 AM. If weather permits the meeting will be held at the Brazos Volunteer Fire Station, for anyone who would prefer to attend in person. For those that can’t attend in person there will also be a google meeting scheduled. 

Thank You,

Amanda Urioste – President(